Bethany Lutheran Church
Bethany Lutheran church is located in Austin, TX. We are a church dedicated to Christ and creating a community for people to belong. Bethany is a place to belong, explore, and enjoy the presence and grace of Christ.
619 episodes
James | From Above and Below?
"James speaks about wisdom often in this letter. This week James will help us understand where true wisdom comes from and what the kind of fruit wisdom bears in the life of a Christian.” James 3:13-17 (ESV)Who is wise ...

James | Sticks and Stones…
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me.” We often underestimate the weight our words carry in our digitalized and depersonalized culture. James reminds us that with our words comes great harm or great bles...

James | What About Grace?!
James writes, “What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him?” His words may make you a bit nervous since you have heard that we are saved by grace. Join us this week as we explore a...

James | No Favorites
We are often drawn to people who look successful and powerful, even in the church. But this morning James will remind us that God’s kingdom does not belong to the elite of this world; God has chosen the poor to be heirs to his kingdom. Join us ...

James | Look and Listen
“Do you hear me?!” Maybe you feel like that is what God is saying to you most of the time. Maybe to really listen to God we need to make sure we are looking in the right place. Join us this week as we continue to walk through James as we learn ...

James | Not IF but WHEN
James doesn’t begin his letter with a greeting or prayer. He gets right to the point by addressing the one thing all humans will face- adversity. This week we will explore how the various trials that you will endure, when experienced t...

Shadow & Light | Trying To Put Out the Light
In the church the Feast of the Holy Innocents is commemorated after Christmas to reflect on the first martyrs because of Christ the children in Bethlehem who lost their lives as Herod, in fear, tried to snuff out the light of Christ to protect ...

Shadow & Light | The Light Guides Our Way
Zechariah, regaining his speech, reflects on how God has been faithful and looks forward to his child preparing people for Christ. With only a few days remaining in Advent the light of Christ burns brighter. We reflect and remember how God has ...

Shadow & Light | The Light is with us
The center of Advent is Emmanuel, God with us. Christ came to our messy earth, our busyness, our imperfection. We embody advent when we invite ourselves into one another’s lives and care and love others with Christ at the center. Christ came to...

Shadow & Light | Into the Light and Away from the Shadows
Faith, in a world full of shadows, is a practice of letting go and choosing to believe. Faith reminds us that we need a Savior and that because of him we’re worthy of being saved. Advent is an act of faith. Trusting that Jesus comes and he deli...

Advent (Noon Service) | Hope in the Shadows
Advent is brief. Christmas goes by even faster. There is a saying “the days are long but the years are short”. Sometimes in the middle of all the things life throws our way we lose sight of how quickly things come and how quickly God moves. Oh ...

Shadow & Light | Expectation in the Shadows
The world is not as it should be. Not yet. We wait in the shadows for God’s full redemption and perfect light that we are promised. As we wait expectantly for Christmas we also wait for an even greater hope for the earth. Preparing for Christma...

Every Moment Holy | Christ is King
Everything is Holy because Christ is king. He is in everything and he is over everything. He is incarnate and present in all and through all. Jeremiah 23:1-6 (ESV)“Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep o...

Every Moment Holy | Giving & Generosity
2 Corinthians 9:5-8 (ESV)So I thought it necessary to urge the brothers to go on ahead to you and arrange in advance for the gift you have promised, so that it may be ready as a willing gift, not as an exaction.The point is th...

Every Moment Holy | Doubt, Fear, and Uncertainty
Sacred opportunities orchestrated by God for us to be faithful. In Christ, every moment is holy.The life of a disciple is fundamentally hearing the call of Christ and following Him.. Christ is everything and in everything. Together we le...

Everyy Moment Holy | Sorrow & Loss
2 Corinthians 1:3-4, Matthew 5:1-4This Sunday, we celebrate All Saints' Day and wrestle with how to grieve and yet remain hopeful in the resurrection to come. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4Blessed be the God and Fathe...

Every Moment Holy | Sins and Forgiveness
Reformation is a celebration of what Christ accomplished for us but it is also an invitation to be faithful and live fully the life that Christ gives. Shame and guilt leads us into holy spaces and places with Christ. John 8:3...

Every Moment Holy | Competition
Competition is meant to be fun. It can be motivating and encouraging. The ways we compete in sports, academics, music etc. is holy. It speaks to the parts of our soul that desire maybe a bit of what has been lost to sin. We love to see people m...

Every Moment Holy | In God's Creation
Job 12:7-10 and John 1:1-3Some of the most holy moments are in a sunrise or in the night sky. Sometimes we are so detached from the natural world that we miss God shouting at us all through the gift of this earth and all the creat...

Every Moment Holy | Vacation & Sabbath
Every Moment Holy- Vacation & Sabbath- 11:00 AMThere is built into the world a natural rhythm that has seasons of activity and growth and seasons of rest. It is all too easy to ignore how important time off and sabbath is for ...

Every Moment Holy | Parenting
Parenting can feel like death by a thousand papercuts. Just when you think you have it figured out there is a curve ball thrown your way. Children go against their parents, parents do not do right by their children. In the middle of the chaos s...

Every Moment Holy | Work
Where we work we are called to do it to the glory of God. To let our light shine, serve those we are called to serve, and do the very best that we can. Being holy isn’t about working in a church God uses you where you are.Philippians...

Every Moment Holy | Students and Scholars
We all continue to learn from Christ but sometimes we make the mistake and limit what Christ is teaching us to things in Sunday school, a sermon. It is greater than just what happens in church. All knowledge is God’s knowledge. Being a student ...

Every Moment Holy | Domestic Days
Sometimes we forget that the service shown to others in keeping house…being domestic in Christ can be holy and honoring. A home is an extension of the body of Christ and the hospitality we are to show. Cleaning feet was a service and about keep...

Blessings and Curses | The Final Blessing
God’s blessing had been given to people who time and time again chose to reject it. Later in the story, after Israel had been exiled from the promised land, God sent the true Israelite, the only one who could faithfully walk in God’s blessing a...

Blessings and Curses | Choose Life of Death
After the first humans’ rebellion, God chose a new couple to bless so that God’s blessing may extend to all nations through them. Later, God’s people are offered a choice to choose life or death, to receive God’s blessing or to reject it. Join ...
Blessings and Curses | Being Human is Hard
The human story begins with God blessing the first two humans, but something goes tragically wrong shortly after the initial blessing. The first two humans reject God’s blessing for something they think will be better, but instead of greater bl...
Blessings and Curses | Blessed to be a Blessing
The first time the word bless/blessed appears in the Bible is at the start of Genesis. This one tiny word has amazing and beautiful ramifications on what it means to be human and shows us how God continues to invite us to part...